1. 11-27-17 Prospect Heights City Council Meeting

  2. This webpage contains short video clips of the key items from this meeting. Instead of having to watch the video of the entire meeting, you are able to watch just the portion of the meeting that is of interest to you! Simply scan down the page, read the agenda item description and click on the video to watch it. To stop the video, just click on it again. Once you start the video you will be able to use the controls at the bottom to start, stop, fast forward, rewind, switch to full screen and change your volume as well.


  1. Ordinance for a Zoning Variance for 697 Glendale    (13 minutes)
    Side yard variation for a driveway into the rear yard at 697 Glendale.


  1. Real Estate Broker Contract Extension     (3 minutes)
    Extension of contract with Cornerstone Commercial Partners to continue to try to sell city property on Piper Lane.


  1. Insurance Renewal     (5 minutes)
    Approval of a contract with Mesirow Financial for Property, Casualty, Worker Compensation, and Cyber Liability Insurance for the year beginning December 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018


  1. Home Rule Presentation     (6 minutes)
    Home Rule presentation by City Treasurer Rich Tibbits.


  1. Congressman Representative     (2 minutes)
    Representative from Congressman Brad Schneider’s office talks about services that they provide.


  1. Building & Development Report     (1 minutes)
    Building & Development report by Building Director Dan Peterson


  1. Resident Comments Regarding Truck Parking Ordinance     (3 minutes)
    Truck Parking Ordinance comments by resident Ronald Pryor of 1015 E Wildwood Drive.


  1. Full Length Meeting Video    (57 minutes in length)
    For those of you with more time on their hands, here is the entire video of this meeting! This video has built in controls that allow you to easily move around within it as well as providing for full screen viewing if desired.


  1. Read Full Meeting Agenda     HyperLink